UMBA 2 is simply a first pass at solving a fairly complex problem. Unfortunately, I don’t believe the rest of the solution can be solved only on a computer. The research we’ve done so far has filled in one or two locations in our parameter space. That means that, of Continue Reading
The Effect of Gyro on Optimal SSW Orientation: Post 60
If you are new to the idea of Seam Shifted Wake pitches, I recommend downloading and viewing this presentation which is about 45 minutes long. I realize that is a lot of time, but this is a complex topic. That said, I think the presentation is easy to understand. As Continue Reading
The Apparent Tilt of Seam Shifted Wake Pitches: Post 59
Conventional pitches break because of two forces, gravity and Magnus force (the ball experiences drag also, but drag his little effect on the direction of a pitch). When a Seam Shifted Wake (SSW) occurs, the forces causing break are gravity, Magnus force and the SSW force. This article will assume Continue Reading
Diagnosing and Modeling SSW pitches: Post 58
I’ve carried on about this, but if you throw a Seam Shifted Wake pitch, there is currently no way to know that it moved differently than any other pitch. I’ve known for some time that this was an obstacle to our work. I’ve been told many times that these effects Continue Reading
UMBA 2.0
Click here for the GitHub link This new version contains a model for the seam shifted wake. Before I get into it I want to make a couple of things clear. First, there is a quote from statistician George E.P. Box, “All models are wrong but some are useful.” I Continue Reading
UMBA 1.1
Click here for the GitHub link. This update is primarily focused on making the code more functional. The major things I’ve added are: Multiple pitches code writes a file for each pitch code now asks if the user would like to compare another pitch a final set of plots shows Continue Reading
UMBA 1.0
If you are unfamiliar with the Pitch Trajectory simulator UMBA, please visit our page about it here. You can download UMBA 1.0 here As of now, we don’t know enough about things like spin decay, spin axis changes during flight, seam height, scuffs, and of course seam orientation to model Continue Reading
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